Genetics Roulette Scoring

So, now that we’re done with the genetics roulette portion of the challenge, it’s time to tally up those points. Full rules are here.

A reminder of the genes in the pool:

Generation A: Zero Holly (red hair + eyes) and Bria Messorem (blue hair + eyes)

Generation B: Eliza Holly (blue hair + red eyes) and Rook Zane (blonde hair + yellow eyes)

Generation C, our Name Game founders: Jaxy Sutton (blonde hair + blue eyes) and Hunter Caetano (brown hair + eyes)

Genetics founders: Arizona Sutton (white hair + eyes) and Rhamnus Buckthorn (black hair with blue tips + aqua eyes)

So, let’s see how we did with the offspring.

Abigail: Rham’s hair (5) and white eyes (5)

Rocko: Blue hair (25) and blue eyes (10)

Iago: White hair (5) and brown eyes (10)

Zoe: Rham’s hair (5) and white eyes (5)

Ziwa: Blue hair (25) and brown eyes (10)

Zuna: Brown hair (10) and red eyes (25)

Oliver: White hair (5) and aqua eyes (5)

Noah: Blonde hair (10) and aqua eyes (5)

Alex: Black hair (0) and aqua eyes (5)

Vince: Blonde hair (10) and red eyes (25)

Victor: Brown hair (10) and aqua eyes (5)

Odette: White hair (5) and aqua eyes (5)

Nim: White hair (5) and red eyes (25)

Matt: Blue hair (10) and brown eyes (5)

So, by my calculations, we have the following:

Points Qty Subtotal
Founder eyes (White + Aqua) 5 7 35
Founder hair (White + Black) 5 6 30
Gen C eyes (Brown + Blue) 10 3 30
Gen C Hair (Brown + Blonde) 10 4 40
Gen B eyes (Red + Yellow) 25 3 75
Gen B hair (Blue) 25 3 75
Gen A eyes 50 0
Gen A hair (Red) 50 0
Multiple birth -10 2 -20
Parents LTW 30 2 60
Genetics Total 325

2.17 – The Poll

This is (maybe) it! At the end of this chapter is the heir poll to decide who will take over for generation 3. If it’s one of the older kids, this will be Arizona’s last chapter. One of the younger kids means she’ll get another chapter (or two).

Continue reading “2.17 – The Poll”